We had a birthday party for our youngest child yesterday and something happened which reinforced the middle name we gave him. Candice had bought a birthday cake that morning and I put it on the counter by the stove pushed against the back wall in a corner of the kitchen. About an hour later, while I was outside cleaning up the yard, Candice came out of the house holding Hani out by his arms while he wiggled like the whirling dervish that he is, and said:
“This is why you don’t put cake on the counter!”
While Candice was on the phone, Hani had come to her holding the cake upside down (luckily it was in a plastic container he couldn’t open) and shaking it, saying “Cake! Cake!” – apparently he had moved a chair from the table across the room to the counter right where the cake was in the back corner, then just climbed up and retrieved his prize.
Hani’s middle name is Fungasa, which means “liberate yourself”. I took his picture (above) a few days ago while he was practicing his Harley style of freedom. 🙂
You can get help finding your own freedom here.